What we have learned about treating chronic pain through stretching

2/22/20232 min read

What we have learned about treating chronic pain through stretching exercises

I can help you determine the best stretches and exercises for your body. You DO NOT have to live with chronic pain on a daily basis.“I have pain in my upper back and neck, I have seen multiple practitioners and I can’t get relief for any length of time”

“I have a lot of muscle tightness and my joints are sore”

These are common phrases I hear consistently from clients and friends.

Most often doing the same stretches and exercises don’t help for longer than a day or two. It then becomes difficult to sit in one spot for any period of time, as well as performing daily activities.

It is important to determine WHY you are having pain and WHAT is causing it! For example, the pain in your back is most likely caused from tight muscles in your hips, hamstrings, or feet. Issues in your upper back are most likely caused by tight chest muscles. Even experienced professionals can struggle to correctly diagnose the true source of pain. However ,the therapist can look for biomechanical issues, postural problems, muscle imbalances, past history and everyday lifestyle and activities to help determine the best course of treatment.

This is usually done by performing small experiments designed specifically for the individual to find the root cause of the problem. I have seen amazing results in my clients as they have improved their flexibility over time. It leads to improvements in their day to day activities and their workouts/ athletic performance.


  1. DON’T LOOK FOR ONE MAGIC STRETCH- there isn’t one single stretch that will fix long term pain. It is pertinent to incorporate a variety of stretching exercises and avoid doing the same stretch over and over again. It’s the same approach a well-designed strength program uses. Athletes don’t work the same muscles day in and day out, this will lead to overworking specific muscles and cause imbalances in the body.

  2. DOING THE WRONG STRETCH-you might be overstretching or continue to stretch the same muscle but not see results. See a professional if you’re unsure of what muscle groups to focus on.

  3. NOT STRETCHING CORRECTLY- technique and form are key components of getting the proper stretch. This includes positioning and isolating the correct muscles, especially if you have limited flexibility and range of motion. If you overstretch your muscles it could lead to injury.

  4. WORKING AROUND THE INJURY OR “PROBLEM AREAS”- start by doing a few stretches for the muscle groups around your injury. For example, if you have low back pain, try stretching your hamstrings, hip flexors and gluts. This will help take some of the stress and tension off of the muscles that are painful, which allows them to relax and alleviate some discomfort.

  5. REDUCE TIGHTNESS AND STIFFNESS- Individuals are living more sedentary lifestyles than ever before. People sit a lot at their jobs. Long periods of sitting causes your muscles to shorten from being overworked and stressed.

Practitioner assisted stretching therapy works by adjusting the stretch reflex and gradually increasing your active range of motion. It doesn’t pull your muscles too forcefully or quickly, this prevents injury.